In addition to and without prejudice to the aforesaid foregoing objects, the Trust shall be at liberty and may in its discretion take up any other charitable work or otherwise for the fulfillment of aims of the Trust.
To promote literature, science and fine arts, in general and to promote literature and literary activities to foster spiritualism in particular.
To promote publication of books, magazines, newspapers and publication of related literature and to set up a library for students and general public.
To provide shelter, food and treatment to the stray animals and prevent cruelty to them.
To distribute textbooks among poor and deserving students.
To open/maintain institutions for the benefit of public such like dispensary, dharamshala, health and yoga centers and schools etc
To propagate Spiritual values of Indian heritage with a view to preserve finer human values of the society.
To give financial aid and support to carry on social, spiritual, cultural and general welfare activities for the benefit of the public and for other charitable purposes as and when necessary as decided upon by the Trust.
To spread spirituality and contain religiosity.